The following instructions were issued in the form of a small booklet.
REGULATIONS FOR WORKING CALLANDER & OBAN RAILWAY BETWEEN OBAN & DALMALLY, BY TRAIN TABLET. 1 - A Train Tablet must be carried with each train or light engine, and no train or light engine must be permitted to leave any Tablet Station unless the Engine-driver (as explained in Rules 7 and 8) is in possession of the Tablet for that portion of the Line over which it is about to travel. 2 - Each Tablet has engraved or marked on it the name of the Tablet Station at each end of the Section to which it applies.
3 - All Fixed Signals must be kept at "Danger," except when required to be lowered to admit a train, or permit a train to leave. When trains which have to cross each other are approaching the Station in opposite directions, and the Signals have been lowered for one train, they must not be lowered for the other train until the first train has come to a dead stop and the Signalman or other official in charge of the Signals has seen that the Line on which the other train will arrive is quite clear.
NOTE. - No Signalman or other official in charge of any Tablet Station must permit any Engine to foul the crossings and draw or propel any Train out on to the Single Line for shunting purposes, after permission has been given for a Train to enter on to the other end of the Section.
4 - The Signalman or other official in charge of the Signals for the time being is the sole person authorised to receive and deliver the Train Tablet. 5 - The Train Tablet, immediately on being received by the Signalman or other official in charge of the Signals, must be deposited by him in the Cylinder of the Electric Instrument, lettered side downwards.
6 - When a train or light engine is ready to start from a Station, and no train or light engine of greater importance is signalled, then it is the duty of the Signalman or other official in charge of the Signals to give the Train Tablet to the Engine-driver, as explained in Rules 7 and 8, and clear the Signals in order that the train or light engine may proceed to the Tablet Station at the other end of the Section (except as provided for in Rules 10 and 11).
NOTE. - When a Train Tablet has been taken out of the Tablet Instrument it cannot be put back again, but must be taken forward to the other end of the Section. Therefore, Signalmen, or other officials authorised to deliver the Train Tablet to the Driver, must be careful, before asking permission to take a Tablet from the Instrument, to be certain that the train or engine about to proceed to the other end of the Section is ready to do so the moment the Tablet is handed to the Driver. Drivers, and others who have to do with the despatching of trains, must be careful to see that everything connected with the engine and train is all right for proceeding on the journey at once, before asking by whistle or otherwise for the Train Tablet.
7 - When a train is assisted by a second engine, that engine must be coupled in front, and the Driver of it must carry the Train Tablet.
8 - No Engine-driver with a train or light engine must leave a Station until he has received the proper Train Tablet, or has seen it in the possession of the Driver of the engine assisting him, for that Section of the Line over which he is about to travel. After receiving the Tablet he must not start until the proper fixed Signals have been exhibited, nor until the Signal has also been given by the Guard of the train. He must keep the Train Tablet under his own charge (except as explained in Rules 10 and 11), until he reaches the end of the Section, when he must give it up to the Signalman or other official in charge of the Signals.
NOTE. - Engine-drivers must be extremely careful not to take the Train Tablet beyond the Station at which it ought to be left.
9 - An Engine-driver will render himself liable to dismissal if, under any circumstances, he leaves a Tablet Station without the Train Tablet, or without seeing that the Driver of an engine assisting him has the Train Tablet in his possession for the Section over which he is about to run.
NOTE. - Any Engine-driver may proceed with his Engine out on to the single Line at any end of any Tablet Station as far as is necessary for shunting purposes at the Station, without being in possession of a Train Tablet, when the Signalman, or other official in charge of the Signals, has given verbal instructions to do so.
10 - In the event of an engine becoming disabled between two Stations, the Fireman must take the Tablet to the Tablet Station in the direction whence assistance can be obtained or is expected, in order that the Tablet may be at the Station whence assistance is to come. The Fireman must inform the Signalman, or other official in charge of the Signals, of the occurrence, and then hand over the Tablet to the Driver of the assistant engine, and accompany it to the place where he left his own engine; then the Driver of the assistant engine will take the disabled engine and other vehicles, if any, to the Station to which the Tablet was being conveyed when the engine failed.
11 - Should the accident be of such a nature as to block the road, and the traffic is likely to be stopped for any considerable time, special arrangements must be made by the Guard for working the trains to and from the Tablet Station on each side of the point of obstruction. The Train Tablet must be retained to work trains or light engines between the point of obstruction and the Station or Signal Box from which the Train Tablet was ISSUED, and, on the other side, the traffic must be conducted by a Red Cap Pilotman, in accordance with Rule No. 16.
NOTE. - The Guard of the disabled train will be responsible for arranging the Single Line working. He must put the Driver in charge of the point of obstruction, and go himself to the end of the Section to which the Train was proceeding, and arrange for Red Cap Pilot working between that Signal Box or Station and the point of obstruction. The Driver must then hand the Train Tablet to the Fireman, and instruct him to take it back to the Station from whence it was issued, to work between that Station and the point of obstruction until the Line is clear, when it must then be dealt with as explained in Rule 12.
12 - When the Line is again clear, no train or light engine must be allowed to pass the point of obstruction without the Tablet and the Pilotman. The Pilotman must accompany the train or engine carrying the Tablet to the Tablet Terminal, to which the Train was proceeding at the time of the accident, after which the traffic will be again conducted in accordance with the Train Tablet Regulations.
13 - When a Special Train or light engine has to be run, the usual Special Train Tail Signal must be attached to the preceding train for the guidance of the Platelayers and others employed on the Line.
No Special Train or Light Engine must be run without the Driver being in possession of a Train Tablet, in accordance with Rule No. 1.
14 - When a Ballast Train has to work on the Line, the Tablet must be given to the Engine-driver of that train. This will close the Line whilst the Ballast Train is at work. When the Ballast Train must proceed to the Tablet Station in advance, in time to open the Line for the ordinary traffic to be resumed. 15 - The Working Time Tables or Appendices, issued for the guidance of the Servants, will contain a list of the Tablet Stations.
16 - In the event of an obstruction in the working of a Single Line Section taking place, in consequence of the Tablet Instrument getting locked, thus preventing the Train Tablet being released, the official in charge of the locked instrument must immediately telegraph to the Tablet Station at the other end of the Section to block the Line and to send Red Cap Pilotman. The Pilotman, before leaving, must fill up three of the printed forms provided for the purpose of establishing Single Line Working, and hand one to the Signalman or other official in charge of the Signals, the second must be retained by the Pilotman, and the third conveyed by the Pilotman to the Signalman or other official in charge of the Signals at the other end of the Section. As soon as the Pilotman is satisfied that the Single Line Working arrangements are understood, trains or engines may be allowed to go on to the Single Line under his control, and by his permission only.
NOTE. - The Pilotman must, when practicable, accompany every Train, but when it is necessary to start two or more Trains from one end of the Section under his control before a Train has to be started from the other end, he must furnish the Engine-driver in charge of each Train, not accompanied by himself, with one of the printed Pilotman's Card Tickets, properly filled up and signed, personally start such Train, and must himself accompany the last Train. The Ticket granted in this case will apply only to the Single Journey to the other end of the Section, where it must be immediately given up to the Signalman or other official in charge of the Signals who must forward the same to the District Superintendent of the Line. The Engine-driver must not start his Train without seeing the Pilotman, and in case the Pilotman does not accompany the Train he must not start until he has received the Ticket authorising him to do so.
17 - In the event of the Tablet and Speaking Telegraph communication being entirely interrupted, Single Line Working must at once be arranged for by means of a Red Cap Pilotman, which must be commenced from the Tablet Station nearest the Oban end of the Train Tablet Section - in accordance with the Regulations contained in No. 16. CALLANDER AND OBAN LINE. LIST OF TRAIN TABLET SECTIONS AT THIS DATE.
Oban and Connel Ferry.
Connel Ferry and Taynuilt. Taynuilt and Loch-Awe. Loch-Awe and Dalmally. OCTOBER, 1880. |