These instructions were included in signalling notices where applicable.
NOTE.-The Frame can only be unlocked by the Train Tablet for the Section between ________ and ________ . Brakesman, when using the Siding, must get the Train Tablet from the Driver, and deposit it in the Tablet Frame, with the notch to the back and the lettering to the top, after which the Points can be unlocked by turning the handle to "Points Unlocked," as directed on the Frame. When the work has been completed, and the Points properly set for the Main Line, the handle must again be turned to "Points Locked," as directed on the Frame. This will free the Tablet and allow it to be withdrawn; and it must be handed back to the Driver before starting.
To unlock the Points, No. 1 Lever must be drawn to the notch half way over the Frame, when No. 2 Lever, which works the Points, can be worked as required. When No. 2 Lever is drawn over, and the Points set for the Siding, No. 1 can be drawn completely over to clear the Siding Signal. To put the Siding Signal to danger, No. 1 Lever must be put forward to the notch; No. 2 can then be worked to set the Points for the Main Line, after which No. 1 must be put completely forward to its normal position, to allow the Tablet Working to proceed. |