The sidings at Acharn, which served a farm and were situated on the north side of the single line, opened with the Killin Railway in 1886. The sidings ground frame was released by the branch train staff. Owing to the gradient, the sidings were only worked by Down direction trains. They were removed in 1964.
Friday, 12 February 1886
Col. Marindin (Board of Trade) reported on his inspection of the Killin branch. He stated that the ground frame at Acharn Siding was controlled by the key on the branch train staff. There were no main line signals. Trains could be shut in. Acharn Siding had only to be worked by trains running downhill (i.e. towards Killin). The mode of working was one engine in steam or two engines coupled together.
Thursday, 1 April 1886
Line opened between Killin Junction and Loch Tay. Sidings opened.
Tuesday, 11 August 1964
Sidings closed.